Mental well-being is essential these days when we are facing challenging times in which everything slows down and we spend more time indoors 🤯, we want to share with you some tips to keep you motivated.🦠

1- Mind over limits
The mind has the incredible ability to adapt and overcome to any environment and situation, even in these days when things are far from normal we can give it a try and let things flow and take their course and not rushing them back, we need to understand that certain things happening right now are not under our control.

2- Watch out, the floor is lava!
You are never too old to play (any kind of) games! We know you wish to turned back the time when you were five years old and used to build a fortress made of pillows, sheets and cushions in your house living room, it is time to bring those child memories back, get creative and have fun!

3- Distance is just a word, not a feeling
If you always had excuses of having no time to check on the ones you love now you can do it. You can arrange a virtual catch up sesh with (a group of) your friends and share some laughs, also is a great time to get grandma and grandpa acquainted with technology and teach them how to FaceTime.

4- Find joy in the simple things
We know you had no time to finish that book a friend of yours gave you as a Secret Santa present. It's time to nurture your imagination, find a book of your favorite genre, binge read it and tickle if from your reading list, we know you will get some satisfaction when you finish it reading.
5- Actually, you can do whatever you want
It is time to finally do that recipe you saw on Facebook once, you can start baking like a boss if you are into it, you can begin that DIY project you saved on Pinterest, you can also try to explore your artsy side by painting or coloring mandalas, you can give it a try and dive into new social media apps like TikTok and learn one of their popular dance challenges or you can get your inner Marie Kondo out and Spring clean your wardrobe.
6- ...Or don't!
It's fine if we are not super productive these days, we don't need extra pressure at the moment, everything will be fine. If you feel like doing anything then don't, it's ok to not be ok, we will get through this. Remember to breathe and live one day at the time.
Lets all #StayHome and please whatever you do, don't shave your head.